Indiawebmediapro Technologies
Assurance and Controlling are two significant aspects of Quality. Extensive testing during the development lifecycle, Compliance with the defined processes & international coding standards is always followed at IndiaWebmediaPro. Client Advocates on all projects ensures 100% client satisfaction.
International Organization for Standardization is an independent norms-setting body, which develops and publishes global standards. IndiaWebmediaPro actively follows the ISO standards to provide on-time delivery with superior quality. Hence, getting development work as per the established industry norms is guaranteed with us.
Capability Maturity Model (CMMI) is the only quality standard in the world to check end-to-end capability and maturity of an I.T. company. IndiawebmediaPro strictly follows CMMI Level 3 standards (wherever required) and continuously works on improving processes according to business requirements.
Process & Product Audits at IndiaWebmediaPro ensure the maintenance of international quality standards. Process Audit confirms that all processes are being followed. Product Audit confirms end-to-end functional audit of a project. Knowledge of all compliance and best quality practices make IndiaWebmediaPro a top choice for all clients.
Thorough testing of all projects during development is our mandatory practice. Testing of each unit/component is done at defined regular intervals by developers/programmers to ensure 100% quality. Another quality practice “Peer Testing” is followed at IndiaWebmediaPro to double-validate the project and make it completely bug-free.
Testing before delivery makes sure that the developed software/website/application is completely error-free and fully-functional. IndiaWebmediaPro has a dedicated team of certified testers to perform functional testing, performance testing, etc.Thousands of clients have achieved unimaginative success with our delivered high-quality software & applications.
Special services of client advocacy on each project at IndiaWebmediaPro make us outstanding. The client advocate acts as a mediator between the client & development team and ensures that no communication gap exists. All queries & concerns of all clients are addressed with quick turnaround time.