Indiawebmediapro Technologies
Indiawebmediapro provides software outsourcing for small to large businesses. We provide custom software development and specialize in internet/intranet applications, client/server solutions and web-oriented software. We also offer customized versions of our software products.
Outsourcing is about letting professionals help you do your business even faster, better and cheaper. The software outsourcing is targeted on two major client groups:
Let’s consider just a few benefits of outsourcing.
If you needed a car to be able to get everywhere quicker, would it be cost-effective to establish your own car-manufacturing factory to build and maintain that car?
Surely, it is, if your project is completed by the company from a region, where average salaries for software developers are very low, while the level of professionalism is quite high. The transferring of your project or some parts of it to such a country is the essence of the offshore outsourcing, as we understand it.
It is quite easy to start a project with Indiawebmediapro – just contact us and tell us your needs and expectations. If you wish, we can co-develop project description and budget. Our IT analysts and software architects will approach you to learn as much as possible about your business needs and requests in order to prepare and propose an optimal technical solution. We can also perform the required effort estimations on the basis of your existing technical documentation.
It is possible to see project status when you need . We will make the machine remotely access so you can access anywhere from the world. For more info go to www.gotomypc.com
For any queries send us an e-mail at info@prospectsoftech.com Our software analysts will analyze your project and give you a free quote. Being India-based we can offer very cost-effective solutions, comparing to the USA- or Europe-based contractors.