Indiawebmediapro Technologies
A planned development process is as necessary as delivering quality work on time while building a software, web and mobile applications from scratch. All the stages in the process of development are equally responsible for a successful delivery.
IndiaWebmediaPro is globally known for quick requirement analysis. Not even a single requirement is missed by our IT professionals in this first phase of software development. We always receive appreciation from our clients for helping them in requirement gathering.
Design is a creative step of project development where requirement of the client is sketched and shared before starting the actual development.Our experienced Designers use only latest design tools and techniques to create future-ready solutions.
Actual coding/ development starts at this stage. By using the right tools/ technologies, the development is done within the stipulated time. Leveraging the years of experience, our developers optimize the code to deliver perfect development.
Testing at IndiaWebmediaPro starts from the initial development phase and continues till project delivery by experienced Testers. Our Testing professionals conduct all type of desired testing with one objective in mind i.e. Bug Free Project Delivery.
Implementation of project is a crucial and exciting stage of software development because customer’s idea becomes reality at this stage. Our all project stakeholders are involved throughout the implementation phase to ensure 100% client satisfaction.
After successful implementation of project, proper assistance is offered to the client for a defined period of time and as per the project requirement. This is the last stage at which clients actually test the project thoroughly and get all issues fixed.